Chapter 5: A Promise Kept

Chapter 5: A Promise Kept
Mukilteo Library
Mukilteo, Washington
1999, 2005, 2016
A narrative installation commissioned, in stages, by The Friends of the Library. The story commenced with a large open book - four feet across - leaning against a stack of similarly scaled books. A bear cub stands on the pile, helping a rabbit that is emerging from the book. A squirrel is struggling to join them. On steps leading down from the stack two rabbits scurry toward an otter, bear, and young girl who are holding hands and dancing in a semicircle.
Six years later the story was continued with the addition of a girl reading with a companion, and a boy and raccoon looking in on the scene from the library entrance.
Finally, in 2016 a patron of the library donated Georgia’s 2003 sculpture ”Mother Raccoon and Pup” to be placed at the foot of a bench that had been added to the installation.