Commissioning Original Work

Commissioning Original Work

Private Commissions

Bet Friend edit

I am open to considering private commissions and welcome inquiries. I prefer commissions that allow me the greatest artistic freedom. For instance, I shy away from portraiture or specific expectations. I most enjoy collaborating with clients who have a particular site in mind or a general notion of a theme and would like me to create original sculpture that both enhances and completes their vision.

It occasionally works out that a commission request inspires a sculpture that becomes a Limited Edition rather than a one-of-a-kind casting. When this occurs the commissioning client generally receives the first casting, and for considerably less than I would need to charge if creating one unique sculpture.


Public Commissions

Having my sculpture placed permanently in publicly accessible spaces has been a career focus and one of my greatest joys. I have been fortunate to have had many such installations, and I love that people are constantly interacting with my site specific work. I welcome inquires from both public and private sources.
